Sunday, May 9, 2010


Last Thursday (First Thursday) some friends and I went out to see a couple art shows. We first stopped at PNCA to see first year MFA candidate Daniel Glendening's show which included open-fired clay, and resin sculptures resembling rocks and a 20 minute video of what appear to be stars (not celebrities) dancing. The most exciting part of the night was our time at IGLOOgallery. My good friends Lori Gilbert, Miles Sprietsma, and Ralph Pugay were auctioning artwork along with lots of other local visual artists. To enter in the auction, you had to purchase a ticket for $5, write your name on it, and put it in the cup next to the artwork you wanted. At 9:00, a name was drawn from each cup and the winner got to take home the artwork that night. I bid on Ralph's painting and won. I'm really stoked! Pardon the bad lighting.

Hospital with Hotdogs, 2009, 14"x 18", acrylic on masonite

Monday, May 3, 2010

A sort of free flowing mission statement for a project i'm starting about feeling neutral.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Nationale Birthday

Last week, I went on a search to find cool birthday gifts for my boyfriend. I took a walk to the strip of shops and studios on lower east Burnside. To my disappointment 3 or 4 shops I had planned to peruse were closed, early. The store that was open, however, was not a disappointment at all. Nationale was just the thing I was looking for. Interesting artwork, imported French goods, and a great selection of art books. I picked this up, signed and all!

Illustrated by Chris Johanson and Jo Jackson.

Dr. Kevorkian, the painter

Last night a friend of mine informed me that Dr. Kevorkian is not only a promoter of assisted suicide but also an artist. His stuff is eerie, bizarre, or in other words, Kevorkianish. In my opinion, he's pretty smart to exploit his creepy reputation to make it as an artist.
Here are some bunny puppeteers pulling strings at some guys mind.